News from October 13, 2017



Prelude – O Worship the King - Olga Topuzova Mead


Call to Worship

Song of Worship – Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)

Children’s Moment 

Anthem They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love - Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Gospel of John 12:37- 43

Sermon – Can I Trust God Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

 Offertory – In The Name Of The Lord  - Olga Topuzova Meade


 Dedication Prayer

 Prayers of God’s People

 The Lord’s Prayer

 Hymn – God Will Take Care of You


 Choral Benediction - A Closing Prayer - Sanctuary Choir

 Postlude – Lord, Be Glorified - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn


Don’t forget to pick up the New Edition of  “Better Families” on the Foyer table.

"October is Pastor Appreciation Month - Please show your gratitude for Pastor Mike with a card or something else of your choosing over the next few weeks. The Staff Parish Relations Committee will be hosting an Appreciation reception for Pastor Mike on Sunday, October 29 after church during fellowship. We hope you will join us at this time and take the opportunity to personally show your appreciation for Pastor Mike and Pam."

 CHRISTMAS IS COMING……                 

Some of you just love to decorate your home for Christmas. Why not use that joy to decorate God’s house: After all, we are celebrating the birth of His son.

We are looking for volunteers to decorate three areas of the church;

·       Entry and hallway

·       Fireside Room (basement)

·       Fellowship Room (basement)

Choose one, and we have some decorations that you can use; or if you have, your own ideas. You can be creative.

The decorating needs to be done anytime the week of November 26; and after church on the 26 before church on Dec. 3.

We have volunteers for decorating the sanctuary but if you are willing to be responsible for decorating one of these other areas for Christmas, please call the church office at 419-878-3645


Come and Join Kinder Choir. Practice is @ 5:15-6:00 PM.

It’s going to be another great year. Please come and join us!

Donations of Candy Needed:  On October 22, the youth group has an opportunity to sponsor and volunteer at a candy station at the Sunshine Community’s “Spooky Boardwalk.”  The event is open to the public and runs from 2:30-4:30.  We are asking for donations of candy.  The youth will be handing out the candy at the event.  We will accept candy donations until the Sunday morning, October 22.  There will be a drop-off box placed near the Community Room.  Questions?  Contact Stephanie Shelton at 567-202-5035 or

Free Election Day Lunch

"It is that time of year to begin planning our annual Free Election Day Lunch set for Tuesday, November 7th, from 11:00 till 1:00.  We will again offer homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.  This is a great opportunity to reach out into our community and offer a free meal on election day.  So dust off your recipes and check out the sign up sheet on the bulletin board.  If you prefer not to make a soup or dessert, there are plenty of ways to help the day of the lunch.  Please help make this years Free Election Day Lunch a huge success.  And don't forget to invite your friends."

Waterville Historical Society presents "Ghostly Encounters IV", Wednesday, October 11, 6:30pm @ Wakeman Cemetery.  Local re-enactors will portray notable Waterville residents from the past, who are currently resting in the cemetery. Fun and informative for all ages.  Bring lawn chairs.  Refreshments to follow performance.  

Sunday School and Tuesday Night Bible Study

Adult Sunday School, in the church basement Do Not be Anxious by John Piper. This study explores what God says about anxiety in Matthew 6:24-27. This is also on Tuesday Nights starting @ 7:00 in the same location.

M&M's (which is an abbreviation for Mary and Martha) will have their Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Community Room.  All women are invited to join us for a study called "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus". Nabeel Qureshi was a former Muslim who shares the evidence that led him from Islam to Christianity.  For more information about our study or the M&M's schedule, please feel free to see Connie Kirkman or Cindy Box.

 Diabetes Management Classes 6:00-7:00 pm Monday Nights in the church Community Room on the first floor. This YMCA program is free. It is a very helpful program. Each class looks at one area of living with Diabetes. Missing a class does not impact the other classes.

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 Pub & Grub (Formerly known as Papoo’s Restaurant in Whitehouse.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.

Are you an organizer? Do you love weddings?  Do we have an opportunity for YOU!

WUMC is seeking a Church Wedding Coordinator.  This position is part time and paid by the bridal party. The Coordinator will help to ensure the wedding ceremony at Waterville United Methodist Church is a memorable experience for the bride, the groom and their guests.  Interested parties should contact Char Hansen for additional information at

October 2017 MISSION FOCUS

Shoeboxes are now available at both sets of doors to the sanctuary.  This year, we also are offering plastic shoeboxes with the OCC logo.  We are asking for a $1.00 donation for those plastic boxes.  We also still have the red and green cardboard shoeboxes and a few of the white cardboard boxes left.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXES - Our collection items for the month of October is small toys and stuffed animals.  Keep your eyes open for those clearance racks and off-season sale items!!!


We need Fellowship hosts. A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.


We are collecting Peanut Butter Jars for the Humane Society There is a basket on the shelf by the church office. It is a nice treat for the dogs to have the un-scraped Peanut Butter Jar.

Leanne Dunn

Secretary Thursday/Friday