News for December 1, 2017

Dear Members and Friends of Waterville United Methodist Church,

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2017:                                  


Prelude – The First Noel – Handbell Choir

Lighting of the Advent Wreath

Call to Worship

Song of Worship – Great is Thy Faithfulness

Anthem – Who Would Send a Baby? -  Sanctuary Choir

Scripture – Luke 1:26-38

Sermon – Do Not Be Afraid – Pastor Mike

Sharing God’s Tithes and Offerings

Offertory – Angels from the Realms of Glory and Hark! The Herald Angels Sing - Olga Topuzova Meade


Offering Dedication Prayer

Prayers of God’s People

The Lord’s Prayer

Celebration of Holy Communion

Prayer of Confession

Hymn – Angels We Have Heard on High


Postlude – Come, Thou Long-Expect Jesus - Olga Topuzova-Meade

Liturgist – Tom Quinn


Brandon Chase – Active Duty

The Family of Bill Baldridge

Betty Cole & Family

Ardis Cullen – She is out of surgery and recovering well.

Stacy (Wagner) Morgan

David Nicholson & Family

Vonnie and Bernie Utz

Jennifer & Baby Wesley 

Follow Up on Sunday, November 26 Worship Service - UTube – I Have a New Name – Hosanna Poetry

Nadia Taylor had mentioned a video during Sunday’s Sermon.  Below is the address you can copy and paste to your URL.   It is about 7 minutes and encourages us to understand that the Lord gives us our name, not the world or the mirror or our past.  Choose today to answer to a NEW NAME.

December 2017 MISSION FOCUS


 Impact with Hope is a local charity that has international influence.   You may know it as International Services of Hope which has been present on Farnsworth Road in Waterville since their incorporation in 1982.  (One of the original trustees was Fred Dieter, who was a member of this church before his passing.)  It is a community based, non-profit, charitable organization whose mandate is devoted to ensuring a brighter future for children. 

Their mission is to reach out and serve others by mending broken bodies, bones, and hearts, feeding hungry families, responding to disasters, and investing in communities throughout the world.  More than $0.98 out of every $1.00 is spent directly on the people they serve.   


They have been particularly busy this fall since the two recent hurricanes, Harvey & Irma, that devastated much of Puerto Rico and other islands.  As of October, they had already sent over ½ million meals to Puerto Rico, and had 3 forty-foot containers of supplies ready to go.  One of their most urgent needs is for the funds to aid in shipping.  Please give generously to our December Mission Focus! 

 Christmas Program to be held NEXT SUNDAY December 10 During the Church Service – Hope to see you there!


1.  Sunday, December 3 at 10:15 (Meet in the Sunday School rooms.  The kids will NOT come up to church this Sunday)

2.  Wednesday, December 6 at 5:15-6:00 pm (Meet in the sanctuary).

3.  Saturday, December 9 at 9:30-11:30 am (Meet in the sanctuary).  We will run through the whole program.

4.  Sunday, December 10 at 9:00 am (Meet in the sanctuary).  Last time to run through the whole program.

 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Tomorrow, we will be ringing the Salvation Army Bell at the Waterville Kroger location!    Stop by and place your change in the kettle! 

Poinsettia Orders

Envelopes for poinsettia orders have been placed in each pew and inside the attendance pads.  Please use them to place your order; making sure to note the quantity, the color and to whom you are dedicating the flower to.  The cost is $7.00.  Place your envelope and money in the offering or drop it off at the church office. The last day to order is Sunday, December 17.

2018 Stewardship Campaign

If you haven't had the opportunity to complete and return your 2018 Estimate of Giving Card or General Information & Service Opportunities form, we will gladly accept them at any time.  You may place them in the offering, send via US Mail or drop off at church office.

Adult Sunday School

On Sunday mornings at 9:00 am the adult study will be A Savior is Born. This is a great Study. You will not want to miss it.  During this Study, we will focus on four interactions of Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth and the Shepherds as God spoke to them through angels. In each instance their first response was a fear so great the scripture says they were terrified.

Sunday Morning A Few Changes for Security:

Following will be the changes on Sunday morning related to security to further protect our children and all attenders and to provide as safe a place as possible.

  *  At 10:40 am all exterior doors will be locked.

  *  Clear signage will be installed directing anyone arriving after 10:40 to the office and courtyard door near the offices as an usher will be posted there to let people in and assist with the elevator if needed.

  *   Training will be given to the ushers and others to understand what needs to be done if an intruder situation would occur.

  *  Watch for more information as this plan continues to unfold.

These are not big changes and many of us will not be impacted by them in any way at all. Let us remember the families of the Texas church shooting of recent weeks and continue to pray for each of them and the whole congregation. Also, to pray for all the churches that have been targeted by evil persons by mass shooting, bombs fires and vandalism.

Altar Flowers Update from Melva Robinson, Chairman Altar Guild  

WUMC has been very fortunate these many years to bring the creativity of our Lord into our presence at each worship service in a number of ways but especially with the flower arrangements on our altar.  These arrangements give us the opportunity to enjoy the flowers and along with the spoken word and music be reminded of who we are worshiping.  They also provide an occasion to honor and celebrate family, friends and our Lord. 

I take this time to tell you Third Street Blooms in Waterville is the florist who prepares each order for our altar as requested.  The Sign Up sheet for flowers is on the bulletin board by the church office.  The cost of each arrangement will be increased to forty ($40.00) dollars beginning the first of 2018.  If you have ordered flowers recently you realize the cost.  Our florist has been very generous with the arrangements and delivery.  Please send your payment to the church and indicate altar flowers. 

Don't forget you may take your arrangement home after the service. 

B&B Bible Study ( Bible and Breakfast) on Thursday mornings at 7:30 @ Dales


A fellowship host is responsible for setting up the fellowship hour, and cleaning up after.   Please consider helping with this ministry.  A sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.


If you are interested in helping out with the Cherry Street Mission. Here is a link that you can access for more information.   Please copy and paste the link into your browser.


Happy tails wagging saying “THANK YOU!” to all who have donated peanut butter jars for the Humane Society.  A special thank you to Karen Longnecker for the photo, as a picture is so often worth a thousand words.  Please continue to place un-scraped jars in the basket on the shelf by the church office.


Copies of the Upper Room for January – February 2018 are located on the table at the entrance to the Sanctuary.

 Lost and Found

There was a bracelet found in the last row of pews in the left side, front section.  Please contact the church office, if you have lost one.

In closing, please note that I now have a church email address, see below!

The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!  Joshua 1:9

Sandy Clark

Secretary Thursday/Friday